Kingdom Drilling
Training Courses

Courses provide training in well design, engineering and drilling operations to enable delivering a well’s objectives, i.e. Safely, on time and within budget. Targeted at operator, service company and drilling contractor personnel. Services are provided by industry leading professionals with the know-how to operate and deliver a project's technical, safety & environmental needs.

2025 Courses

Courses workshops available in 2025 to be scheduled as soon a sufficient interest is shown are.

- 'Deepwater Drilling Challenges' (On-line or in house.) Our main areas of speciality with more than 50course run in more than 30 countries. 

- HPHT drilling and well engineering. Another speciality niche, where we have the practical and engineering delivery knowledge and experience to deliver these projects on time and budget.   

- 'Drilling Project Management', a simple porject management approach workshop using an appropriate regional case study. 

'Managing lost time 'MLT' ' A new uptake on 80's Stuck pipe prevention and 90's TRUE training).

'Fundamental casing design' A three-day refresher course for those seeking to then take our advancing casing design course.   

'Advancing casing design'. Not for the fainthearted. A weeks-worth of working through multiple, more advanced and complex casing design scenarios.  

' Advancing, Well Control Assurance Training, 'W-CAT' 5day course coming soon!

'Mathcad' for drilling engineers'. A 6-8week on-line program coming soon in 2025. 

Other courses hosted. 

KD01 Managing 'Lost' time 'MLT', 3-4days Practical loss control leadership course. Addressing how to better recognize and analysis EVIDENT wells data to identify all 'things that go wrong'. Course introduces failsafe's  'Latent cause analysis' investigative methods to assure all learning is being translated and sustained into future drilling programs.

KD02 Drilling/well operations. 2day Introductory course for new-start technical and non technical persons. "All good VP, Norwegian Bank, Nov 2015"

KD03 HP HT Drilling Fundamentals, 3-5day customised learning experience developed in 2016 for Operating Companies. "93%and 96% instructor feedback, Jan 2020 courses"

KD04 Managed Pressure drilling. 4-day experience that encompasses all aspects of offshore MPD drilling projects."Great Visuals, Covered a huge variety of examples, eqpt etc. Chief Eng BAST section"

KD05 Deepwater Drilling Operations Ran in vaiours guises from 3 to10days, This well design, planning, drilling engineering & operations technology experience has been delivered in more than 25 countries to IOC's, NOC's and service companies as per specific in house requests since 1998, "Good course that needed more time to cover subject matter in required detail, Drl Supt"

KD06 Stuck pipe, Fishing & Side-tracking. A 3day customised  drilling and work-over workshop expanding on traditional stuck pipe prevention, that additionally covers fishing, milling, plug pack cementing and side-tracking operations.  " Far exceeds expectations, WO Supt Nov 2015". Last delivery 2019, Shell Nigeria, 92 and 94% instructor feedback rating.

KD07 Well Integrity in Drilling, Work-over and Intervention Operation.  3 day core course for technical and non-technical Upstream professionals.

KD10 Latent Cause Analysis; Affiliated with this training experience is a essential soft skills course for anyone starting in any industrial profession. Check out more at

 "Great course albeit 35years too late for me". 'Technical Director' July 2017.

 email us with your Virtual, in house or public course needs @


B1. Onshore / Offshore drilling introduction.

B2. Guide to Drilling planning, engineering & design.

B3. Drilling Geology Guide - A non technical course

B4. Well control Assurance Training (fundamentals)

B5.  Guide to Oil field Cementing

B6. Fundamental Casing design.

Virtual on line training?. 

Contact us at 



I1. Deepwater Drilling Fundamentals                           Well planning, design, engineering, operations and technologies..

I2. Deepwater Drilling operations.

Supported by Deepwater Drilling book published in Dec 2018.

I3. HPHT Drilling Fundamentals                                    

Well planning, design, engineering, operations and technologies. 

Book in progress 2024.

I4. HPHT Drilling operations.

I5. Drilling 'Practical loss control safety leadership' 

I6. Loss and waste avoidance (performance) workshops - focusing on aligning safety and efficiency in complex well's.

I7. Latent cause analysis. How to learn from all life and work related problems without assigning blame.

Drilling training experiences catered to SEE and meet your FAIL (failure Always Invites learning) needs / requirements.

Virtual on line training?. 

Contact us at 




C1. Offshore Drilling Project Management: Planning, design engineering and best practice operations. A 5-10day workshop using your well's data. 

C2. HPHT Drilling : Planning, design engineering and best practice operations. (last delivery Jan/Feb 2020)

C3 Deepwater Drilling:  Planning, design engineering and best practice operations. (last delivery Jan 2020)

C4. Well Control Assurance Training 'W-CAT' Advanced blowout avoidance training course. Based on Bill Abels and other authors 1994 unpublished Firefighting and Blowout Control book. With updates. 

C5. Advancing casing design.

Virtual on-line, in house or public training? Contact us at 


Clients List: 1996 - Current.

Providence Resources, Chevron / KGC, BSEE, Centrica, DNB, Cupit, Cairn Energy, Petro-China, SPE, NOPSEMA, ONHYM, Saudi Aramco, AGR, Lloyds Register, Oil Search, Murphy Oil, Petronas, VGA, Petro Canada, Chevron, BP Norge, Norske (Shell UK, USA, Nigeria), Statoil (Equinor), Smedvig, TAM International, Schlumberger, ONGC, PDVSA, PEMEX, Addax Petroleum, Repsol, Cupit (Cuba), Sonangol, CNOC, CNOOC, Petro Vietnam, Huisman, EcoPetrol (Colombia), FORED (South Korea), OMV, Wintershall, INOC, IDOC, Mari Petroleum, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Petrom, Lukoil (Romania).